About STS
Get to know us
Our History
On September 14, 1983, a small group of industry leaders from the Southeast gathered for the purpose of organizing the Southeast Tourism Society (STS). Those charter members shared the mutual belief that regional promotion of tourism, via a partnership between states, would create a powerful marketing alliance unparalleled throughout our country. Over forty years later, their vision continues as STS is an established leader among tourism organizations.
Our Vision
STS envisions a region where the lives of residents and visitors are improved through travel and tourism.
Our Mission
STS empowers a diverse network of tourism professionals through Education, Advocacy, Recognition, and Networking.
Value Proposition
STS links tourism professionals, through shared knowledge and partnerships, to grow tourism in the southeastern United States.
Our Code of Ethics
The STS Code of Ethics is established to help guide members in their relationships to one another and in their relationships with staff, boards, suppliers, community and other stakeholders in the travel and tourism industry. Read it here
Our Board of Directors
The STS Board of Directors guides the association’s strategic initiatives and annual plans. A New Board Directory is coming soon.
Our Volunteer Opportunities

STS progress over the years
Southeast Tourism Society, also known as “STS”, is a 501 (c) 6 non-profit trade association
Member states include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, plus the District of Columbia.
Attractions, Destination Marketing Organizations/Convention and Visitors Bureaus, Educational Institutions, National Heritage Areas, Hotel/Lodging Properties, State Tourism Offices, State Tourism Associations, Travel and Tourism Service Providers for Consumers (B2C), and Industry-Related Service Providers (B2B).
Our Four Pillars include: Education, Advocacy, Recognition, and Networking (EARN).
STS hosts an annual fall conference, Connections, complete with educational sessions, networking events, industry trade show, award ceremony, and the STS Marketing College graduation luncheon. For 30 years, the highly-lauded STS Marketing College is held in the summer. This is a week-long intensive course of study that explores many facets of destination management and leadership, along with an optional Festivals & Events curriculum. Marketing College is a three-year curriculum that leads to certification as a Travel Marketing Professional (TMP). The Congressional Summit on Travel and Tourism in Washington, D.C., provides attendees with an opportunity to learn more about important legislation that can impact our industry, receive updates on the tourism programs managed by our federal partners, and to conduct in-person meetings with the Congressional leaders representing their states.
Advocacy is an important part of Southeast Tourism Society. We develop an annual legislative agenda, produce useful guides (The Federal Directory & Tourism Works!/Tourism Success Stories), monitor federal legislation, and keep members informed about important policy issues that impact tourism. STS is known and respected in Washington and has been called on for congressional testimony. We also provide advocacy training to assist leaders in becoming successful tourism advocates at the local, state, and federal level.
Formerly known as "Top 20 Festival & Events", Signature Events of the Southeast will bring more publicity and recognition to the best events in the Southeast
Recognizing outstanding contributions in tourism in the Southeast United States, the Shining Example Awards Program, an industry fixture since 1985, is comprised of 15 awards within 13 categories; 11 of these categories are open for nomination. The Awards highlight some of the best work in travel and tourism, and winners truly set examples that others in the industry can follow. These are awarded annually at STS Connections and are open to STS members and non-members
Yes, the Jobs page provides a link to submit a job posting and includes a listing of open positions and links to other job search resources.