Advocacy Amplified
Connecting with New Legislators Toolkit
Each election brings newly elected officials who need to be educated on the importance of tourism to the vitality of communities and the opportunity to engage legislators who have not yet connected on tourism issues. Proactively engaging legislators at the start of a new legislative term allow tourism leaders to build a framework for engaging on specific issues and developing tourism champions.
Advocacy in Action
Here are industry resources to help you craft language and messages for local leaders and elected officials
Destinations International – Becoming a Community Shared Value Policy Brief
A Guide for Tourism Advocacy
Advocacy is defined as speaking up and educating elected officials on the issues that matter. Many elected officials don’t understand that tourism doesn’t just happen. They need to be educated that an effective tourism program requires strong research, creative marketing, and targeted outreach.

Take a look through the guide…
Advocacy is defined as speaking up and educating elected officials on the issues that matter. Many elected officials don’t understand that tourism doesn’t just happen. They need to be educated that an effective tourism program requires strong research, creative marketing, and targeted outreach.
This “flip-page” video will show you how to ramp up your advocacy efforts! Or, download the pdf version…
Thank you to our sponsors of the Advocacy Amplified Guide: