Industry Research

Across the Southeast and Across the World.

Issues of concern as well as success stories from around the travel and tourism industry.

The Digital Marketer’s Survival Guide for this Election Year

From Advance Travel and Tourism

Nature Positive
Travel and Tourism in Action

Visa Global Travel Trends for 2024

State of Destination Marketing 2024 from Sojourn

Get a glimpse of the latest industry trends and challenges for destination marketers, and use these insights to equip you for 2024 planning and beyond.

We partnered with Digital Tourism Think Tank with support from Brand USA, Destination Canada, and European Travel Commission to survey more than 300 DMOs globally about their digital marketing strategies for 2024.

  • Strategy & Performance: What are DMOs using to inform digital marketing decisions and tactics?

  • Media Landscape: What forms of content, digital channels, and other marketing investments dominate today’s targeting priorities?

  • Data & Insights: What role does data play in helping DMOs shape their targeting strategies in a changing climate of consumer data?

  • Emerging Trends: How do DMOs see hot topics like artificial intelligence, sustainability, diversity, and inclusion, and more impacting their marketing plans?

What Millennials, Gen Z, Gen X and Baby Boomers Tell Us About Travel in the Year Ahead

Travelers of All Ages Will Value Connectivity and Personalization, Seek out Culture and Unique Experiences and Embrace New Business Travel Trends as Travel Boom Continues. Read it Now…

A Report by Hilton

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